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(1)薛玺情;曾以德;从穴区细胞对针刺时的响应浅谈手针针刺启动,中华中医药杂志, 2022, 37(9): 5248-5252.

(2) Wu, Pei-Hsun ; Hale, Christopher M; Chen, Wei-Chiang ; Lee, Jerry S H ; Tseng, Yiider ; Wirtz, Denis ; High-throughput ballistic injection nanorheology to measure cell mechanics., Nat Protoc, 2012, 7(1): 155-170.

(3) Yiider Tseng ; Denis Wirtz ; Thomas P. Kole ; Micromechanical mapping of live cells by multiple-particle-tracking microrheology, Biophysical Journal, 2002, 83(6): 3162-3176.

(4) Tseng, Yiider ; Kole, Thomas P ; Lee, Jerry S H ; Fedorov, Elena ; Almo, Steven C ; Schafer, Benjamin W; Wirtz, Denis ; How actin crosslinking and bundling proteins cooperate to generate an enhanced cell mechanical response., Biochem Biophys Res Comun, 2005, 334(1): 183-192.

(5) Tian Lan ; Meng Yu ; Weisheng Chen ; Jun Yin ; Hsiang-Tsun Chang ; Shan Tang ; Ye Zhao ; Spyros Svoronos ; Samuel W. K. Wong ; Yiider Tseng ; Decomposition of cell activities revealing the role of the cell cycle in driving biofunctional heterogeneity, Scientific Reports, 2021, 11(1): 23431- 23446.